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back to school

email design, in app templates
and social media assets

Back-to-school planning begins earlier each year, often right as summer starts. It can be tough to enjoy the season when advertisements pressure parents to think about school supplies before they're ready. DoorDash aims to ease this stress by assuring parents they can quickly and easily get everything they need without sacrificing their summer fun. Don't go back to back-to-school shopping; order everything on DoorDash instead.

With an estimated $100+ million spent on back-to-school items from July to September, mostly by stressed millennial parents, DoorDash's convenience and growing grocery selections position it well to capture this market. This campaign intends to establish DoorDash as the top choice for millennial parents, offering everything from school supplies to lunch essentials, using bold graphics, illustrations, and photography to highlight our immediate offerings and revitalize classic back-to-school products.

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